Design Technology

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like - Design is how it works.

Steve Jobs

Subject Coordinator

Mrs Catherine Bell

Subject Link Governor: 

External Links: 


Vision and INtent

With a ‘Design, Make and Evaluate’ approach, we believe in equipping children with the product knowledge, creativity and skills needed for an ever-evolving society. 

We consider the work of craftspeople, designers and architects within real-life contexts. Children gain an understanding of products for the needs of others, themselves and for the future.   

Our project-based curriculum also considers global and local influences for food sources, design and functionality in everyday life.   

DT Coordinator

I am Mrs Bell, DT subject coordinator at Cheadle Primary School. I firmly believe that Design and Technology contributes significantly to a pupil’s ‘rounded’ development. Design and technology has the ability to be weaved throughout the curriculum and we do not under-estimate its importance. I am extremely excited to see the impact of our new DT scheme in the classroom and look forward to sharing the children’s projects with you.

Curriculum and implementation

At Cheadle Primary, we use the Kapow scheme of DT which supports pupils to meet the national curriculum end of key stage attainment targets and has been written to fully cover the National Society for Education in Art and Design’s progression competencies. 

The Design and technology National curriculum outlines the three main stages of the design process: design, make and evaluate. Each stage of the design process is underpinned by technical knowledge which encompasses the contextual, historical, and technical understanding required for each strand. Cooking and nutrition* has a separate section, with a focus on specific principles, skills and techniques in food, including where food comes from, diet and seasonality. 

The National curriculum organises the Design and technology attainment targets under five subheadings or strands:

• Design 

• Make 

• Evaluate 

• Technical knowledge 

• Cooking and nutrition* 

At Cheadle Primary School our scheme has a clear progression of skills and knowledge within these five strands across each year group.

The Curriculum overview shows which of our units cover each of the National curriculum attainment targets as well as each of the five strands.  

Our Progression of skills shows the skills that are taught within each year group and how these skills develop to ensure that attainment targets are securely met by the end of each key stage. 

Through our Design and technology scheme, pupils respond to design  

briefs and scenarios that require consideration of the needs of others, developing their skills in six key areas:


• Mechanisms 

• Structures 

• Textiles 

• Cooking and nutrition (Food) 

• Electrical systems (KS2) and 

• Digital world (KS2) 

Each of the key areas follows the design process (design, make and evaluate) and has a particular theme and focus from the technical knowledge or cooking and nutrition section of the curriculum. The Kapow Primary scheme is a spiral curriculum, with key areas revisited again and again with increasing complexity, allowing pupils to revisit and build on their previous learning.

Lessons incorporate a range of teaching strategies from independent tasks, paired and group work including practical hands-on, computer-based and inventive tasks.  This variety means that lessons are engaging and appeal to those with a variety of learning styles. Differentiated guidance is available for every lesson to ensure that lessons can be accessed by all pupils and opportunities to stretch pupils’ learning are available when required. Knowledge organisers for each unit support pupils in building a foundation of factual knowledge by encouraging recall of key facts and vocabulary. 



Here are the main curriculum areas and learning points for our DT curriculum.






Technical Knowledge 


Cooking and Nutrition  

Core Knowledge and skills

Please click on the links below to see our subject progression documents for DT.


Photographic evidence, examples of children’s work and design/evaluation materials are an essential record of an individual child's experiences and ideas. Throughout the year and key stage these will be used as evidence for assessment and reporting purposes. Children will be provided with a Design and Technology folder when they join the school, and this will go with them as they move throughout the school, to show their progression.


Teachers can also obtain assessment evidence by direct observation of children at work, by questioning pupils or listening to their conversations.


Using the children’s work, photographic evidence and observations in lessons, teachers will then assess children for each unit on Otrack. At the end of each academic year, teachers will also indicate whether a child is working at, above or below age-related expectations. 

cultural capital and enrichment

Cultural capital is theaccumulation of knowledge, behaviours, and skillsthat a child can draw upon and which demonstrates their cultural awareness, knowledge and competence; it is one of the key ingredients a pupil will draw upon to be successful in society, their career and the world of work. 


In DT, Cultural Capital can be gained in many ways; 



Within DT planning and teaching, our teachers ensure they provide opportunities to promote the following: –


·       Spiritual development: Through helping pupils to recognise their own creativity and the creativity of others. Art supports spiritual development by introducing children to the work of great artists and fosters awe and wonder at the achievements of these great works of art. They also experience great admiration and respect for their peers’ work when they see the level of achievement and progress.


·       Moral development: Through helping pupils to reflect how Art affects the environment, so that they can make informed choices when planning and creating. Children have to act sensitively to others, showing an awareness of how they can be a critical friend and offer constructive criticism without being offensive.


·       Social development: Through helping pupils to recognise the need to consider the views of others when discussing creative ideas, and by working on collaborative projects, making the most of different strengths and interests within a team. Discussion about what the artist is trying to portray and their opinions on the artwork are actively encouraged, in an atmosphere whereby children mutually respect and value each other’s opinions.


·       Cultural development: Through exploring Art’s contribution to the quality of life within different cultures, and through valuing and reflecting on the responses of people from other cultures towards Art. The subject supports cultural development work by enabling children to study art involving various cultures and civilizations from around the world. They lead to a greater understanding of different ways of life and a respect for cultures that are very different from our own; how they can enrich our own lives. The fusion of art work between our own and other cultures leads to pupils incorporating designs, patterns and motifs in their own work developed by a deeper understanding of the culture.


·       Mental Health: Through being able to recognise, acknowledge and express their own thoughts and feeling through their art work in a safe environment. It can be used to help manage behaviours, process feelings, reduce stress and anxiety and increase self-esteem. It can act as a tool to help relieve emotion or stress.



At Cheadle Primary School we strive to offer the best possible learning opportunities for our children. To enrich our curriculum, we have carefully chosen experiences that allow our children to enjoy hands-on activities linked to their whole-class Art projects. We place great importance on educational visits and visitors to enhance the art curriculum. These trips, alongside various other strategies discussed above allow teachers to facilitate learning so that pupils can note connections, contrasts and trends over time and are more holistically developed to enter the world as wider informed individuals.  For example Year 1 visit Hanley Museum to study toys from the past and then incorporated their learning into designing toys for their own class projects.

What our pupils say

Darcey in Year 2 said… “I loved making the moving toys after our trip ... it was exciting because we put ‘dangerous’ parts on our toys.”

Giles in Year 3 said.. ”I like designing because it’s fun and it’s exciting to see how it turns out”

Eliza in Year 4 said… “I liked designing the box and cover of a chocolate bar... is was fun”

Lily-Mae in Year 5 said… “I love DT, it’s cool and you can create different things. My favourite things are using recycling ...I really like making models.”

Freya in Year 6 said… “I really liked learning using different materials to create pieces of art.”

Ben in Year 6 said… “I really like to get creative when designing doesn’t matter what you build...there is no right or wrong way’s amazing!”

useful websites

The Artful Parent

You can access over 500 arts and crafts activities, including painting, sculptures and printmaking. This site gives you ideas of what Art supplies to provide for your child in order to create and make different things.

Art for Kids hub

You can watch step by step videos on how to draw different things, origami for children, how to paint, holiday and celebratory art projects and projects related to the Seasons. It also gives you a list of the resources you will need before completing each art project.

Land Art for Kids

A website which gives you ideas on how to collect natural resources to produce different forms of Art.

Tate Kids-The Best Art Website for Kids

Children can follow instructions to make different things, play art games and quizzes and explore and read about the work of well-known artists.

BBC Bitesize Art and Design

You can watch class clips on famous artists, techniques and how to create different things.

Subject policy