
“The more you read, there more you’ll know. 

The more that you learn, the more places you will go,”

Dr Seuss

Subject Coordinator: Mrs. Rachel Castle

Supported by: Mrs. Hannah Bostock (Early reading and Phonics). Mrs. Lorraine Smith (Accelerated Reader)

External Links: Quality Mark team, SHEADS English Hub.

Vision and INtent

At Cheadle Primary School, we desire that every child is driven by the desire to read- to explore new worlds, new characters, and new genres and to have an appetite for reading that must be fed. Children will, consequently, be so filled with imagination that they are compelled to share it through their writing, public speaking and dramatic endeavours.

In pursuit of this vision, our English curriculum is built on a foundation of quality texts and books. Through our curriculum, our pupils have the opportunity to explore a wide range

of genres and authors which have been carefully and thoughtfully selected to link to our curriculum and to stimulate curiosity and interest. As our texts often have links to our Geography, History or Science work, our aim is that children realise that English goes beyond the classroom and feeds into all subjects.

It is our passion that when children leave Cheadle Primary School, that they are not only equipped with the skills and tools required to further their academic studies, but most importantly with a love to read and write.

English Coordinator

Hi I’m Mrs Castle and I am the Coordinator for English at Cheadle Primary School. I also work closely with Mrs Bostock- our Early Reading/Phonics manager and Mrs Smith who runs Accelerated Reader.

My role is to ensure that English (reading, writing, spelling, phonics and oracy) is taught to a consistently high standard that enables all children to fulfil their potential. My main goal is to ensure that each child leaves our school with the knowledge that they need to be successful in their everyday life. With this in mind, and through our carefully planned English curriculum, all children at Cheadle Primary School are exposed to the wonders of the English language on a daily basis.

My passions for the subject can be traced right back to my own experiences of English whilst at school. At primary school, I remember racing to read a hundred books in the year; competing in balloon debates and creating my own travel magazines. At secondary school, I took English Literature at A Level and particularly enjoyed trips to theatre. It is that my aim that all children remember their English lessons, experiences and activities as fondly as I do.

I love ‘test reading’ books for all year groups and get very excited when mapping out new planning with different teachers. My favourite books change regularly but at the moment my top reads are:

EYFS-  The Naughty Bus by Jan and Jerry Oke- What a naughty bus it is!  Reception children love going around the school and inspecting the chaos created by The Naughty Bus. They interview different members of staff and each create a page for their own class book.

Y1- Man on the Moon by Simon Bartram- our Year 1 children adore meeting Bob and learning all about his adventures in Space!

Y2- Mama Panya’s Pancake by Mary and Rich Chamberlin- this story transports our Year 2 children to the sunnier climes of Kenya. It is a clever and heart-warming story that teaches the importance of sharing. It complements our work on our RESPECT values beautifully

Y3- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl- a classic that every child must experience!

Y4- Monster Slayer by Brian Pattern- a modern retelling of Beowulf. I love the use of language: it always inspires fantastic writing.

Y5- Viking Boy by Tony Bradman- we have only just introduced this to Year 5, but they have already been swept away with the drama, the blood and the gore.

Y6- Survivors by David Long- this selection of real-life survival stories always engages the children. We have a fantastic relationship with the author: we have met him virtually and he always replies to our emails.

Curriculum and implementation

At Cheadle Primary, all pupils take part in a daily English or Literacy session, which covers the objectives for English as set out in the National Curriculum. Extra opportunities for pupils to practise and extend their skills are provided and linked to other curriculum areas wherever possible.


Pupils are taught as individuals, in groups and as classes.

Ability and mixed ability groups are used for different purposes and planned to meet

specific objectives. However, most children work in mixed ability for groups to

encourage high expectations for all children in line with the end of year of expectations.


Pease click this link to see our long term plan:

English whole school long term plan 

Speaking and Listening at our school is developed through:

Reading at our school is developed through:

Writing at our school is developed through:

Core Knowledge and skills

Reading spine overview 2022 23.pdf

Knowledge Organisers

Please click on the links below to see our knowledge organisers for each year group

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6


Pupils’ development in English is constantly monitored and assessed in order to inform

future planning, teaching and reporting.


Otrack is a formal online monitoring system used by class teachers to input whether a child has not understood, is working towards, has achieved or has mastered

an objective.


Assessment of reading:


Assessment of writing:

cultural capital and enrichment

Cultural capital is the accumulation of knowledge, behaviours, and skills that a child can draw upon and which demonstrates their cultural awareness, knowledge and competence; it is one of the key ingredients a pupil will draw upon to be successful in society, their career and the world of work.


In English, Cultural Capital can be gained in many ways:



At Cheadle Primary, we place great emphasis on the importance of educational visits and visitors to enhance the teaching and learning of English. These visits and visitors, which provide valuable opportunities for learning through first-hand experience, are therefore an integral part of the curriculum and allow our children to make valuable connections between what they have learned in class and their first-hand experiences in the real-world. We have fantastic relationships with authors and often get tweets, emails and postcards from them.

Whole School Enrichment and Clubs: During their time at Cheadle, all children have access to a range of clubs and activities that enrich their experience of the English language. In recent years, this has included whole-academy celebrations on National Poetry Day and World Book Day, a ‘StarBooks’ experience, book clubs, drama clubs and also visits from a children’s author!

RWI - Early reading and phonics

Hi, my name is Mrs Bostock and I support Mrs Castle with our early reading and phonics work in school.  I have worked at Cheadle Primary School for 16 years and have become an expert in all things phonics!  We follow Read, Write Inc for our early reading and phonics curriculum.

Please click on the link below to find out more about RWI.

Progression in RWI 


Accelerated reader

My name is Mrs Smith and I am the Manager of Accelerated Reader and look after the school library at Cheadle Primary. My role is to ensure all the children have exciting books to read, according to their level. By looking through each child’s individual report, I can inform teachers on how the children are getting on with AR quizzes and STAR tests.

Reading is the key to unlocking the imagination and knowledge that every child deserves to know. At Cheadle Primary School, Accelerated Reader puts the children in the driver’s seat by reading exciting and engaging books which is followed by quizzes. These quizzes help hone the children’s reading skills and develops achievement and growth for every child. The program is set in 4 stages:


What is Accelerated reader?

Accelerated Reader is a computer program that helps teachers and teaching assistants to manage and monitor children’s independent reading practice. The child will pick a book at their own level and reads it at their own pace. When finished, the child will take a short quiz on the computer. Accelerated Reader gives children, teachers, and teaching assistants feedback based on the quiz results, which the teacher then uses to help your child set goals and direct ongoing reading practice.

Children using Accelerated Reader choose their own books to read, rather than having one assigned to them. This makes reading a much more enjoyable experience as they can choose books that are interesting to them.

Teachers and teaching assistants help the children choose books at an appropriate readability level that are challenging without being frustrating, ensuring that your child can pass the quiz and experience success.

If a child does not do well on the quiz, the teacher or librarian may help your child:

What are the quizzes?

Accelerated Reader includes several types of quizzes designed to support the development of several reading skills.

Quiz types include:




What our pupils say

In March 2022, we selected a group of children to give us their opinion on English at Cheadle Primary.


We conducted this in the library. Perhaps our favourite response from a Year 1 child was “Can I just read now?”


Other comments included:


Reception child: “I like it when there are exciting things on the table!”


Year 1 child: “My favourite thing to write is sentences. Lots of them! Especially about toys”


Year 2 child: “Reading and writing makes me happy!”


Year 3 child: “I had so much fun writing about a robot puppy. My teacher really helps me by breaking the task down into smaller chunks”


Year 4 child: “In Year 4, we work as a team in English. We help each other with ideas and suggest improvements to our friends’ writing.”


Year 5 child: “My favourite part of the day is when we listen to the teacher read. We are never too old for that; you know?”


Year 6 child: “I love being able to be creative when writing fiction especially when I use DADWAVERS to help me. I don’t like to admit it but I do enjoy grammar revision sessions too,”


“Even though editing our work isn’t our favourite thing to do, we have stations which are fun and if we didn’t edit our work it wouldn’t be as good”

Subject policy