“Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations or algorithms: it is about understanding"
Subject Coordinator: Mrs Claire Norton
Subject Link Governor:
External Links: Painsley Maths Hub, Mr D Collier
Mrs J. Brereton, Mrs K. Lawley
Vision and INtent
At Cheadle Primary School, maths is viewed as an essential tool in understanding the world around us. In pursuit of this vision, our maths curriculum is built on the foundation of a strong understanding of logical reasoning, problem solving skills and the ability to think in divergent and abstract ways.
Children develop a strong sense of well-being when they solve a problem accurately for the first time, discover a more efficient solution or suddenly recognise hidden connections. Through the progressive and dynamic curriculum, our aim is to provide children with the skills necessary for developing resilience, not simply for academic pursuits but for navigating everyday life situations.
Strong cross-curricular links ensure pupils are encouraged to identify and recognise its fundamental place in art, music and nature. A strategic, creative and practical approach to teaching maths supports children in discovering that maths is the building block for everything in our daily lives, including mobile devices, architecture (ancient and modern), art, money, engineering, and even sports.
We have developed this program of study as a result of the changes to the curriculum, recognising maths as a mastery subject. We are determined that every child leaving this school is fully equipped with the knowledge that will enable them to live and further their academic career with confidence and a desire to explore mathematics with an open mind.
Please click on the links to see our key stage visions:
KS1 maths vision KS2 maths vision Whole school maths vision
Maths Coordinator
My name is Mrs Oakes and I am the mathematics coordinator at Cheadle Primary School. My role is to ensure that the teaching and learning of maths across our school is relevant, engaging and enables all children to fulfil their potential. Most importantly though, I am always striving to ensure that each and every member of our school community has the opportunity to appreciate the different facets of this fascinating subject!
In line with my own ethos and current best practice, maths at Cheadle Primary is taught through the Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract methods using the teaching for mastery system. Our teaching and support team take every opportunity to provide our children with activities that develop the children’s ability to develop strategies to problem solve and reason. In addition, I also believe that enrichment and wider opportunities should run through the heart of any effective maths curriculum.
As Maths coordinator, I am confident, knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the subject and hope to imbue the great pleasure I have in calculating, manipulating numbers and looking for different solutions to problems to the children.
Curriculum and implementation
Mathematics contributes to the school curriculum by developing the pupils’ ability to think independently, manipulate number to achieve a result, express their ideas with confidence and to be resilient when faced with increasingly complex problem -solving activities.
At Cheadle Primary School, we follow the White Rose Maths scheme.
We encourage the children to view maths in a positive way so that they develop a ‘have a go’ attitude to all strands of maths. They should also feel confident enough to tackle problems independently showcasing the ability to be flexible in their thinking and application.
The children are taught how to use and apply their mathematical skills across the curriculum. Children realise the relevance about learning about maths which is relevant to their everyday life such as time, money and the four number operations.
The children learn how to use their mathematical knowledge to problem solve and reason using systematic methods and resilience enabling them to keep going even when a problem is quite tricky.
The children are able to apply their learning to problem solving and reasoning about mathematical concepts by working systematically, accurately and logically.
Core Knowledge and skills
Please click on the links below to see our subject progression documents for maths.
Key Instant Recall Facts
To develop your child’s fluency and mental maths skills, we are introducing KIRFs throughout school. KIRFS are a way of helping your child to learn by heart, key facts and information which they need to have instant recall of.
KIRFs are designed to support the development of mental maths skills that underpin much of the maths work in our school. They are particularly useful when calculating, adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing. They contain number facts such as number bonds and times tables that need constant practise and rehearsal, so children can recall them quickly and accurately.
Instant recall of facts helps enormously with mental agility in maths lessons. When children move onto written calculations, knowing these key facts is very beneficial. For your child to become more efficient in recalling them easily, they need to be practised frequently and for short periods of time.
Each half term, children will focus on a Key Instant Recall Fact (KIRF) to practise and learn at home for the half term. They will also be available on our school website under the maths section and each child will receive a copy to keep at home. The KIRFs include practical ideas to assist your child in grasping the key facts and contain helpful suggestions of ways in which you could make this learning interesting and relevant. They are not designed to be a time-consuming task and can be practised anywhere – in the car, walking to school, etc. Regular practice - little and often – helps children to retain these facts and keep their skills sharp. Throughout the half term, the KIRFs will also be practised in school and your child’s teacher will assess whether they have been retained.
Over their time at primary school, we believe that - if the KIRFs are developed fully - children will be more confident with number work, understand its relevance, and be able to access the curriculum much more easily. They will be able to apply what they have learnt to a wide range of problems that confront us regularly
The children’s progress in maths is constantly monitored and assessed to enable staff to plan activities which challenge and embed the children’s understanding. Otrack is used by class teachers to input whether a child has not understood, is working towards, has achieved or has mastered an objective. All assessments are passed to the receiving teacher at the end of the academic year. For all aspects of mathematics, staff indicate pupils’ strengths and highlight weaknesses that are then used to inform future learning targets.
Assessment is undertaken using:
· White Rose Maths (WRM) end of block assessments
· WRM end of term assessments
· Spring and Summer NFER Tests
· Arithmetic tests Y1 – Y6
cultural capital and enrichment
At Cheadle Primary we offer a wide variety experiences in maths clubs where the children attempt logic problems, maths games, reasoning and problem solving activities. These clubs open their eyes to the pleasure that can be gained from mathematics. During the year the children take part in BARVEMBER and Problem of the Day activities which stretch understanding. The children work together to solve the problems, thus, learning how to work cooperatively, discussing how different strategies can be used to solve the same problem. During the year we take part in maths enrichment days where the children make links with the wider school community.
Maths Apps and additional support
We use a wide variety of materials to support the children’s learning such as:
Times Tables Rock Stars – a program which supports the learning of multiplication tables.
BBC bitesize - where there are many explanatory videos, games and activities all arranged in age
White Rose Maths – online tutorials explaining how to solve calculations, plus their new 1-minute maths app
Third Space – National Tutoring Program.
Click on the pictures to take you to the relevant sites - please note these sites are external to CPS and we are not responsible for their content.
Here are some interactive resources parents can use to help their children
What our pupils say
"I like maths!" (EYFS)
"Maths makes me happy." (Y3)
"I enjoy working with fractions." (Y4)
“I like using the counters and bricks when I am counting." (Y1)
"I like doing maths in the hall as it gives me space to think." (Y5)
"I enjoy the 1:1 teaching as it gives me time to think" (Y6 - Third Space)