Year 1 Curriculum
Here you will find specific information for our Year 1 curriculum.
Big Pictures
Click the links below to find out about what we will be covering in each half term:
Knowledge Organisers
A Knowledge Organiser is a single page document that lists the important facts that children should know by the end of a topic. It is the minimum that needs to be known, rehearsed and stored over time in the long term memory. They should be viewed as the starting point for the topic being learnt. Over the course of the topic the children will learn at a deeper and wider level.
Who uses them?
The school: To give a clear overview of what the children learn in each subject. To help children develop conceptual understanding. To set clear expectations of what children should learn in the long term. Children will have a quiz at the end of each of their topics on what they have learnt.
The children: To quiz themselves in lessons and at home. To practice spelling key vocabulary. To further research people, events and processes. As a way to trigger memories from lessons about key information.
Parents: To understand exactly what their children should understand and remember. To know what language they should use when discussing learning at home. To know how to support their child in learning about a topic.
How can they be used at home?
1. These can be used as conversation starters with your children to find out what they have learnt at school.
2. Support children in carrying out their own research around the topics.
3. Visit your local library, museums and trips to explore the topic.
4. Become familiar with the key text.
5. Learn the specific vocabulary and what they mean.
6. Self-quiz at home.
Click the links below to access our Knowledge Organisers. This will help you to see the knowledge you child will need during this topic.
Used with the kind permission of Twinkl Educational Publishing. (c) Twinkl Ltd. All Rights Reserved