
What better way to learn about how to stay safe online than by watching our Safer Internet Day winning video by Benji in Year 4.

Benji P 4B.mp4

E-Safety and Your Child 

The internet and online technology provides new opportunities for young people’s learning and growth, but it can also expose them to new types of risks.

E-safety forms a fundamental part of the schools safeguarding and child protection measures in order to protect children from harmful and inappropriate online material. 

As children have increasing access to the internet it is important that we educate them about keeping themselves safe in an electronic world. E-safety is taught as part of our PSHEE curriculum and we have a specific e-safety curriculum. This is also applied during our computing lessons. We have dedicated E-Safety days and advise for parents on how to keep children safe when using digital technology.

Our aim is for all our children to be alerted of the risks associated with using the internet and social media and be aware of how to keep themselves safe in a digital environment.

If you need any support or advise with social media, apps, gaming or using the internet we are more that happy to help. Please speak to the class teacher or DSL if we an be of any assistance. If you feel your child is being subject to unkind comments via social media please refer to our bullying policy and speak to your class teacher in the first instance. 

TikTok safety 

Staying Safe Online 

App safety - Catch22 

App game and online resources